

I’m so tired of the arguments, the draining conversations, the confusion, the tears and the chaos.. I’m tired of breaking hearts and beating myself up over it long after. I’m ready for simplicity to start new, for love and open communication, for understanding and acceptance, for a judge free zone. I’m getting to old, I’ve experienced enough to know better by now. Yet I find myself in these continuous situations. This is it though, I’m done once this mess is cleaned. I’ve found my person and as much as I crave the desire, its not worth the aftermath. I’m happy, more than happy I am in love. I’m ready to hang up my players card for life. The messier things get the more confident I am in that.. I am tired of being tired.

1 Response to “again/exhausted”

  1. September 28, 2015 at 8:55 pm

    Yes, simplicity is kinder for everyone. And yes, now is the time to begin.

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